Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bravery, Power, Speed and Endurance. We Are the Falconz.


Mascots are found in schools, sports, businesses and politics, and date back a very long time. The word mascot actually means: "A person, animal or object believed to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization." Mascots are often symbols of courage, strength, and leadership or other attributes that embody those they represent. The Peregrine Falcon is the perfect emblem to typify the bravery, power, speed and endurance of the Utah Falconz Women's Football Team. Check out top facts about the Peregrine Falcon and how the Utah Falconz are one with the these amazing birds.

The Peregrine Falcon is a RAPTOR (Latin for "too seize") or BIRD OF PREY.

Falcons are the swiftest bird of prey on the planet - yet very muscular.

"Peregrinus" is Latin, meaning "to wander." These falcons are found on every continent except Antarctica, and can survive in a wide variety of habitats including urban cities, the tropics, deserts, and the tundra. Peregrine falcons can adapt to living almost anywhere.

Peregrine Falcons are the fastest hunters in the world, flying level at 30-40 mph and diving at 200+ mph

Falcons have a unique way of hunting for food - they dive at their prey so fast that they overtake it by surprise, catching it in mid-air, and the speed kills the prey instantly.

Male falcons are about 1/3 size of females.

Falcon Wing-span = 3-4 feet

Falcons are at the top of the food chain - No natural predators.

Falcons are extremely loyal to each other - they mate for life, and both male and female share in incubating and raising chicks.

Falcon fledgelings eat an incredible amount of food to maintain speed and agility.

Falcons have very good eye-sight, and can spot a meal up to a mile away.

Felix is our resident Falcon - the Utah Falconz leader and symbol of all that inspires us to be great athletes on the field, but more importantly, valuable members of our community. We love you Felix!

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